Study Bitcoin

Here you will learn about the importance of studying Bitcoin.

Why should you study Bitcoin?

Imagine asking yourself what is the most valuable thing in your life. It is your time on earth.

In a sense, this also means that the more time you have at your disposal, the 'richer' you are.

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping - this is necessary for our body to recover. On average, we also work about a third of our time to cover our daily expenses. This means we 'exchange' our 'work energy' for money, which we later use to exchange this 'stored value' for products and services for daily needs. This includes tax payments to the state, regardless of whether it uses the money wisely or not.

In recent decades, it has become increasingly apparent that we convert our 'work energy' into money and then, when spending the money, find that its value has decreased. If I buy bread with all my money on the day I receive my salary, I get much more bread than if I postpone the purchase for five years. This happens because prices continuously rise, the bread becomes more expensive (inflation), and the longer I wait to make the purchase, the lesser value I receive in return. If my income stayed the same and inflation was at 10%, I would need to work 10% more each year to maintain the same standard of living. If my salary increases by 5% each year and inflation is still at 10%, then I'd need to work 'only' 5% more each year...

With the fiat currency system, we waste a part of our lifetime, while our purchasing power is gradually diminished. Lower inflation is better, but in countries like Turkey, Argentina, Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, it threatens existence and causes a painful life for the population - constantly working more for less. This is one of the biggest financial crimes in history. The poverty caused by the fiat money system kills millions of people slowly, steadily, and without pause.

Inflation devalues our saved money, thus stealing a significant portion of our lifetime.

Is that good? No!

Is it fair? No!

Is there anything we can do about it? YES!

Bitcoin offers a solution to this problem. By saving in Bitcoin, our purchasing power is preserved even as governments continue to 'print' money unchecked, thereby driving inflation by expanding the money supply. Bitcoin is limited, and nobody can diminish its value by increasing the amount.

That's why you should now learn about Bitcoin and ultimately decide for yourself whether the proposed solution offers you added value. Many people 'invest' numerous hours researching different car models before making a purchase, but don't want to learn how to transport their hard-earned money into the future without losses. Please reconsider your priorities and decide for yourself whether buying a car is more important than preserving and storing your work energy from thousands of hours.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

This is meant to indicate that with Bitcoin, you have the chance to use a secure, counterfeit-proof, decentralized, uncensorable, fair, inclusive, and value-preserving currency to protect your honestly earned money, but nobody will force you.

On this website we will provide some useful information and links to other sources you can use to learn about the greatest money ever invented: Bitcoin.

If getting poorer every day is not enough reason for you to study this revolutionary money, you can first check the different use cases of Bitcoin. We also will explain how to buy, store and use Bitcoin, a Bitcoin FAQ and a separate page to explain the Bitcoin FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubts). Then there are interesting external resources like websites, videos and books listed so you can get an idea why Bitcoin is such a great money.

Think for yourself, trust no one blindly (not even me), learn about Bitcoin, and ultimately make your own decision!

I wish you good luck with that!